Note: When adding the external signers via the API, use the RemovePermissions property to send an array of permissions you would like to remove for the signer. If the RemovePermissions property is null, then Freetext, Custom Date and Shapes permissions are removed by default. Please note that an empty array [] for this property means “do not remove any permissions”.
If you find that your signature is generally too small on the documents that you sign, you can increase the width and height which will increase the size of ad-hoc signatures.
NOTE: This option does not apply to signatures that are placed from anchors.
Setting the Document Thumbnails option to Show will display a thumbnail panel on the left side of the screen.
Note: Please be aware that TrueSign only supports signing in series (one after the other).
From the menu that appears, you can configure when you would like to receive these reminders. (Please note that these reminders will go out to all admins on your TrueSign account)
Once you have added the Date or Time to your signature, it will appear whenever you apply the signature to a document.
What is in the Envelope Summary Certificate?
Each summary certificate contains much of the information available from the Envelope Details page. It includes the basic details about an envelope and the documents within, as well as the history of both. It also contains details on each signer that signed the envelope and lists the individual markups that each signer added to the documents. With this document, you have a downloadable snapshot of everything that was done with the envelope.
Additionally, the Envelope Summary Certificate is digitally certified in the same way as digitally certified documents. This means that if the summary certificate is altered in any way outside of TrueSign (via Adobe or other editor), then the signature is invalidated, and you will see a warning when viewing the document in Adobe. The certificate used to certify the document will never expire and you can always validate the document’s authenticity.
How do I enable this feature in my TrueSign account?
This feature is not enabled for envelope types by default, but you can enable it by going to Admin View -> Envelope Types -> Select An Envelope Type -> Edit -> and toggle Create Envelope Summary Certificate.
How do I download an Envelope Summary Certificate?
The Envelope Summary Certificate is created once the envelope is completed by all signers (or after the envelope is rejected by a signer) and it will be available to be downloaded from the Envelope Details page for that envelope. The following people can download the Envelope Summary Certificate for an envelope: the envelope creator, envelope designers and account Admins.
The Envelope Summary Certificate URL will also be included in the JSON response if a completed envelope is retrieved via the API, or when the completed envelope is delivered via the configured delivery method.
How do I enable this feature in my TrueSign account?
This feature is not enabled for envelope types by default, but you can enable it by going to Admin View -> Envelope Types -> Select An Envelope Type -> Edit -> and toggle Allow Internal Forwarding and/or Allow External Forwarding.
Note: Allow Internal Forwarding only allows internal signers to forward an envelope to another internal signer. Respectively, Allow External Forwarding only allows an external signer to forward the envelope to another external signer.
Note: We will first check if the envelope type is configured to allow internal or external forwarding. If the envelope type does allow forwarding, then we will respect the posted envelope options.
Signing interface toolbar:
The signing interface now also allows a signer to download a copy of the document they are signing. The viewer options also have a new option for stamp ordering.
Designer interface toolbar:
Once clicked, the following modal will appear for you to select the font sizes:
Valid values for each field are whole numbers from 4 – 40 points.Once you have entered the size you want, click “Save Changes” and the changes will be saved for the current browser. The new font size will take effect immediately and all future Dates and Typewriter annotations will have the new font size.
Note: At this time, these settings are saved in the user’s local storage for the browser TrueSign is opened in. If the user opens TrueSign with a different browser or device, then these settings will go to their default value of 10 points.
What is a TrueSign digitally certified document?
A TrueSign digitally certified document is a document that originates from TrueSign once all the signers have signed your original document. The certificate guarantees that this document has originated from TrueSign and that no changes have been made to it afterward. Visual trust indicators will appear when the document is opened in applications like Adobe Reader (as shown below).
If the document is altered in any way outside of TrueSign (via Adobe or other editor), then the signature is invalidated and you will see a warning when viewing the document in Adobe. The certificate used to certify the document will never expire and you can always validate the document’s authenticity.
How do I enable this feature in my TrueSign account?
We will enable this feature automatically for all [default] envelope types, but you can disable it by going to Admin View -> Envelope Types -> Select [default] -> Edit -> and unchecking Digitally Certify Documents. The [default] envelope type is used whenever an envelope is created directly from the TrueSign website (unless the user manually changes the envelope type) or when creating envelopes via This means that after this release, envelopes created directly from the TrueSign website will automatically receive a digital signature unless an admin disables this feature. You can also enable this feature for your other envelope types.
"Title": "string",
"Delivery_Method_Override": 0,
"Contact": {...},
"Options": {
"Send_Completed": true,
"Show_Signers": true
"Client_Data": "string",
"Documents": [...]
The options are explained in the “Envelope Options” under the “New Features” section.
Note: You should not place anchors over form fields as the signer might not be able to get to a form field that an anchor is covering.
"First_Name": "string",
"Last_Name": "string",
"Email": "",
"Message": "string",
"Code": {
"Description": "string",
"Value": "string"
"Anchors": []
Note: As part of this upgrade, all existing Envelope Types configured in your system will have Demo mode set to false.
“Id”: Guid – system assigned,
“Doc_Id”: Guid – the TrueSign ID of the document the anchor belongs to,
“X”: double – the X (horizontal) location in points *, starting from the top-left corner,
“Y”: double – the Y (vertical) location in points, starting from the top-left corner,
“Width”: double – the of the anchor in points,
“Height”: double – the height of the anchor in points,
“Page”: integer – the page number, with 1 being the first page, where the anchor is located,
“Type”: Enum {SignHere = 0, InitialHere = 1, DateHere = 2, CheckmarkHere = 3} – the anchor type,
“Required”: boolean – if the required signer must complete the anchor or not,
“Client_Data”: string – any data you would like to save for this anchor to use once it arrives back in your system.
*A point (pt), or point size, is a unit of measurement used in lettering. There is a total of approximately 72 (72.272) points in one inch.
The signature creation, while in the signing interface, has also been simplified and improved. With the new “typed” signature option a signer can adopt a signature based off the spelling of their name, allowing a required signer to complete an envelope in seconds.