Version - 1.0.26


22916 : Hotkey updates
A hotkey has been added to quickly add checkmarks (Alt+C). 
Menu text to clearly indicate that Ctrl+D can be used as a hotkey to add dates was added.
22770 : Typed Signatures - UI Update
When creating a typed signature, a pencil icon is now displayed to indicate that the name can be edited prior to selecting the signature. 


22749 : Anchors not displaying in side panel under certain conditions
Under specific conditions, anchors may not display in the right panel during signing. This has been corrected.
22936 : Signatures could be created without a Nickname
Logic was added to prevent signatures from being saved without a Nickname.
22938 : Manage Proxy Signers dialog displaying incorrect buttons
Under certain circumstances, the Manage Proxy Signers modal dialog (from the Admin portion of TrueSign) will incorrectly display a "Remove" button, when a proxy signer hasn't been added. This has been corrected.

Version - 1.0.25


22469 : Anchor placement sizing updates
When a signature, initials, checkmark, or date is applied from an anchor, the image of the signature/initials/checkmark/date is currently expanded to fill the full size of the anchor.

This has been updated so the applied image maintains it's original aspect ratio and fills the anchor as much as possible. This ensures that the signature, etc does not look stretched or skewed once applied. 

Note: The applied image will be placed at the bottom center of the anchor.
22468 : New Signature Replacement Options
Two new dynamic replace options have been added to signatures:
  • Email Address
  • Full Name
When a signature is placed on a document, these values will be replaced with the current user's email address/full name. This is useful for Proxy Signatures where you want the name or email address of the proxy signer to be included in the signature.


22473 : Redirect URL Fix
If a redirect URL was added using the API and the redirect URL included an & (ampersand), the final redirect URL would replace the & with an & causing issues with the redirection. 

This has been corrected so the & is no longer replaced with &.

Version - 1.0.24

New Features

22104 : 'Auto Guide Me' Option
Two new envelope options have been added to the /v1/Envelope (POST) API endpoint. These options allow the welcome dialog to be disabled for external signers and the Guide Me functionality to be auto triggered once the envelope is opened by an external signer.

These options are called:
  • Enable_External_Auto_Guide_Me - Defaults to false
  • Enable_External_Welcome - Defaults to true
Note: The Enable_External_Auto_Guide_Me option can only be enabled if the Enable_External_Welcome option is disabled.



22403 : "Powered by TrueSign" logo shows twice under certain circumstances
An issue where the "Powered by TrueSign" logo was added twice under certain circumstances has been resolved.

Other Notes

22345 : Deliver_As_Tiff updates
The Deliver_As_Tiff option now has improved image quality when converting from PDF to TIFF. It has also been updated to generate at 150 DPI.

Version - 1.0.23


22203 : User's last name splitting
User's who have a last name with 2 words are now split properly when invited to TrueSign.
21021 : Envelope JSON Delivery Method not sending email
An issue occurred when using an Email delivery method that included the Envelope JSON as an Attachment. In this scenario, the delivery email would generate an error. This has been resolved.
22210 : External User Envelope forwarding not sending email notification
An issue where an email notification was not being sent if an envelope was forwarded by an external signer has been resolved.
22208 : Envelope Type Edit Screen Error
Under certain circumstances, the Envelope Type Edit screen would display an error preventing TrueSign Administrators from editing an envelope type. This has been corrected.
21149 : Capitalization of External Signer names not respected in Designer
When an external signer is added using the designer, the Capitalization may not be respected. This has been corrected.
21369 : Text Markup added during design not saving
An issue where Text Markups that are added when using the designer do not save properly has been corrected.

Other Notes

22244 : Deliver_As_Tiff updated to with an output DPI of 300
When using the Deliver_As_Tiff option, the output resolution is now provided at 300 DPI.

Version - 1.0.21

New Features

21712 : Request completed documents as TIFF
When creating an envelope via the TrueSign API, the Deliver_As_Tiff Option can be set to true. If enabled, then TrueSign will convert all completed documents in the envelope to Tiff format. 

NOTE: This is currently an experimental feature. A future release will allow this option to be enabled using the UI.
21717 : New Anchor API Endpoint
A new endpoint has been added to the API that allows an anchor to be added to a signer/document combination. Previously, anchors could only be added when the signer was added.


16858 : Web Hook UI Updates
Updated the Web Hook configuration UI while editing an envelope type so it is more user friendly.


21967 : Memory Optimization
The memory usage has been optimized while rendering the completed documents.

Version - 1.0.17


20999 : Fixed issues with Text Based Anchors and Email Notifications when using default branding
When using text based anchors, the last word of the anchor was not included in the completed document.
If the default branding color or image was changed and reset back to the default, then the default TrueSign logo would not display properly in email notifications.
20994 : Updated the API Activity Log Envelope Type drop down (TrueSign Admin Logs) to display the drop down items in alphabetical order
When accessing the TrueSign Admin Activity Logs, the Envelope Type drop down is now ordered alphabetically on the API Logs page.
20854 : Corrected issue when deleting and re-adding a signer in the designer interface
When deleting and re-adding a signer in the designer interface, the re-added signer was not able to open the envelope when it was sent to them to sign. This has been corrected.

Version - 1.0.16

New Features

20230 : Ability to add your own theme color
New in TrueSign is the ability to add your own color theme and logo for your TrueSign account. The new color and logo will be displayed inside the TrueSign app for internal and external users. All emails sent from TrueSign will also contain the new color and logo. To add your logo and color on your TrueSign account, go to Admin View -> Account -> Edit:



20659 : Ability to use Temp Signature for anchor signing
Added the ability to immediatly use a temporary signature to anchor sign. The following options were added to the Preview modal of the temporary signature: Set as favorite signature and Auto-select signature. The state of the toggle will be persistent throughout user sessions. If the Set as favorite signature option is selected, the temporary signature will be marked as a favorite for this envelope. If the Auto-select signature is selected, the signer will be in signing mode with the temporary signature selected.

20448 : General improvements to the signing interface
Some general improvements were made to the signing interface, including respecting the order of applied markups, free text shifting on final PDF, and fixed other viewer specific minor issues.


20056 : Envelope Details page was showing a blank parenthesis when the external signers delivery method was SMS.
Resolved an issue when an external signers delivery method was SMS. The external signers phone number will now appear in the Envelope Details page. 
20276 : Admin is unable to delete user in certain circumstances
We fixed a bug where an admin was not able to delete a user that the admin had created a proxy signature for them.
20037 : Markups with transparent boarder were showing a white border.
Fixed an issue where layered mark-ups with transparent borders were showing a white boarder on the downloaded PDF. 
19509 : Error occurs when sorting signatures
Fixed an issue where an error message was appearing when a user was sorting their signatures in the My Signature page. 
20103 : External signers unable to open envelopes
Fixed an issue where an external signer was unable to open an envelope that was created from an existing template. 
20204 : Summary certification not showing the SMS signers phone number
Resolved an issue where the envelope summary certificate was not showing the external SMS signer's phone number. 
20201 : Form fields no longer appearing in envelopes.
Fixed an issue where form field borders were longer appearing in TrueSign. 
20430 : Recalled envelope still able to be completed
We resolved a bug where a recalled envelope was still able to be completed by a signer.
20400 : Designer email comparison case sensitive
We resolved a bug where the designer email list was being compared to the logged in user's email using case sensitivity. This resulted in some users not being able to design an envelope in the TrueSign app, even though they were part of the designer's list.

Version - 1.0.15

New Features

19549 : Ability to send an external envelope link via text message.
When a user creates a new envelope or a new envelope from template and the signer type is external they will see a new drop-down that allows them to choose to notify the signer via Email or Text. If the text option is selected the user will be prompted to enter the signers phone number and the envelope signing link will be delivered via SMS. 



19339 : New column and search options in the created envelopes table
On the created envelopes table of the envelope type details page, a new column was added that indicates who the envelope was created by. Additionally, all columns in the created envelopes table can be searched or filtered individually.  
19495 : Signing Interface Signature Quick Link
A new button was added in the Signatures drop-down labeled "Create temp signature". When a user clicks the new button, the temp signature modal will open and the temporary signature link is copied to the user's clipboard. This enhancement reduces the number of steps needed to capture a temporary signature. 


19889 : Signer message not supporting 500 characters
We resolved a bug that was not allowing users to type a 500-character message to signers. 
19713 : Annotations on PDF download respect the order they were placed in the signing interface and designer
When a user is placing stamps, textboxes or other annotations in the signing interface or the designer, the annotations will appear on the final document in the order they were placed by the user. 

Version - 1.0.14

New Features

19130 : Ability to send a note to multiple signers
Previously in TrueSign, users could only send individual notes to signers. This update will allow users to send a note to all signers on the envelope in addition to individual notes. 


19303 : Date markups were not following the viewer and designer settings.
Resolved an issue where date markups were not following the date font size selected by the user in viewer and designer settings. 
19446 : Assigning stamps to users caused an error
We resolved an issue where TrueSign admins were attempting to grant users access to a stamp and receiving an error. In the Stamp Details page, the admin will now see a list of users that currently have access to the stamp, the admin will have the ability to remove user access from this list. Also, new button exists labeled "Assign to user(s)" this button will open a list of users that do not have access to the stamp and the admin can grant access within the pop-up list. 

Version - 1.0.13

New Features

19210 : Markups added to envelope designer
TrueSign users will now have the ability to add markups to a document in the envelope designer. The markups include stamps, dates, textboxes, arrows, shapes, lines, and checkmarks. Envelope signers will not have the ability to modify markups placed by the envelope designer. 
19053 : Textbox and Shape outline and background colors added to viewer settings
In the viewer settings of the signing interface, users will now have the ability to set the default textbox outline color, textbox background color, shape outline color, shape background color, and text font color. 


19214 : TrueSign Next guide me update
The "Guide Me" button in the signer view was updated to a brighter color so users can see the button more easily. 
18949 : Sort options added to stamp permission toggles
When an admin clicks stamp details to view user access to a specific stamp,  they now have the ability to sort the permission toggles to bring users with or without access to the top of the list. 


19170 : Clicking "Create New Signature" button throws an error
Resolved an issue where users were receiving an error page when attempting to create a new signature. 
19211 : Clicking outside of a textbox in the signing platform was completing the document
Resolved an issue where users were placing a textbox in the signing platform, typing the desired text and the act of clicking outside of the textbox was completing the document. 
19217 : Deleting a signer with an anchor causes an error
Fixed an issue where deleting a signer that had an anchor placed was causing the screen to freeze. 
19131 : Generated zip files not opening properly
Fixed an issue when an envelope contained multiple documents the zip file was showing an error. 
18872 : Error appears when Admin saves a user initials
We resolved an issue where the admin was not able to save a user's initials that were not their own. 

Version - 1.0.12


97 : TrueSign Feedback
Fixed an issue with the feedback form where the user’s email wasn’t included for external signers if they elected to include their email.
96 : Envelope Reminders
Fixed an issue where envelope reminders weren’t being sent under certain circumstances.
95 : Template Signer Permissions and Reminders
Corrected the issue where signer permissions and signer reminders were not being retained within templates.
94 : Delete Envelopes From Admin View
Fixed an issue when an admin attempted to delete an envelope from the Envelope Type Details page.
93 : Switch Account when Signing Envelopes
If a TrueSign user is a member of multiple TrueSign accounts and opens a link to sign an envelope in a different account than the account they are currently logged into, TrueSign will display a message and easily let them switch accounts.
92 : Retention of Ready to Sign Envelopes
Envelopes that are not completed within the retention period are no longer deleted automatically. Instead, they are automatically rejected and will eventually be deleted based on the retention schedule of completed envelopes. Once automatically rejected, the envelope will be delivered to its final destination just as if the signer had rejected it, with a rejected reason of “Auto-rejected due to account’s Ready to Sign retention policy (#days).”
91 : 404 on Previously Signed Envelope
If a user navigates to an envelope that has already been signed, they will no longer be taken to the 404 page. Instead, they will be redirected to the envelope complete page where they can download the envelope.

Other Notes

98 : Mobile Annotation Edit Bar
The Annotation Edit bar, which appears when selecting an annotation, is not present on mobile browsers.
99 : Unable to Edit Free Text on iPhone
The free text annotations are unable to be edited in iPhone.

Version - 1.0.11

New Features

83 : Auto open next available envelope
A new option is available in My Profile called “Auto open next available envelope”. When this option is enabled, then the next available envelope will automatically be opened when the current envelope is completed.

86 : External Signers: Freetext, Custom Date and Shapes
Starting with this release, you will be able to allow external signers to add freetext markups, custom dates and shape markups on envelope documents you are requesting them to sign. By default, these permissions are removed for external signers, and you can update the permissions via the TrueSign Designer:


Note: When adding the external signers via the API, use the RemovePermissions property to send an array of permissions you would like to remove for the signer. If the RemovePermissions property is null, then Freetext, Custom Date and Shapes permissions are removed by default. Please note that an empty array [] for this property means “do not remove any permissions”.

85 : Default signature size
A new viewer option has been added that lets you customize the maximum size of signatures that are placed on a document. This option is available when signing a document under More > Viewer Settings.


If you find that your signature is generally too small on the documents that you sign, you can increase the width and height which will increase the size of ad-hoc signatures.

NOTE: This option does not apply to signatures that are placed from anchors.

84 : Document thumbnails
A new viewer option has been added that allows thumbnails to be displayed in the signing interface. This option is available when signing a document under More > Viewer Settings.


Setting the Document Thumbnails option to Show will display a thumbnail panel on the left side of the screen.


89 : Signer Envelope URL
The signer object will now have an EnvelopeUrl property with the URL of the envelope for that signer. This can be helpful if you want to send your own notifications to envelope signers.

Note: Please be aware that TrueSign only supports signing in series (one after the other).


88 : General Improvements
  • Special characters are now supported in signature names.
  • The Envelope Details page will show who created the envelope.
  • General backend improvements to support future admin reporting and statistics capture.
  • Minor QR signing UI improvements.
  • Additional details are captured in envelope history (user successfully entered an envelope code, user continued later, user download the envelope, etc).
  • Guided signing UI improvements.
  • An issue where text searching within a PDF would not find hits other than the first instance has been resolved.
  • Text Markup no longer loses focus when clicking on a text box that already has focus.
  • Backend improvements to the business layer.
87 : Free Text Annotations
An issue where free text annotations became read-only if the user clicks inside of the text box has been resolved.

Other Notes

90 : Mobile Annotation Edit Bar
The Annotation Edit bar, which appears when selecting an annotation, is not present on mobile browsers.

Version - 1.0.10

New Features

77 : Low Envelope Reminders
As a part of this release we have added the ability for TrueSign Admins to set Low Envelope Reminders for themselves. These allow you to automatically be notified on a daily or weekly basis if your envelopes are below your configured low envelope threshold. To set up these reminders go to Admin > TrueSign Account and click the Notifications button.


From the menu that appears, you can configure when you would like to receive these reminders. (Please note that these reminders will go out to all admins on your TrueSign account)

76 : Dates And Times In Signatures
New in this release, you can now set up your signatures to automatically contain the Date and Time at which you signed. To add the date or time to your signature, open the signature editor. You will now see new options on the toolbar to add the Date or Time in various formats.

Once you have added the Date or Time to your signature, it will appear whenever you apply the signature to a document.



78 : General Improvements
  • Added tabbing support for Envelope Forwarding dialogs.
  • Minor improvements to timestamps in Envelope Summary Certificates
  • TrueSign now prevents single quotes from being added in a user’s email address when inviting new users or bulk uploading users
  • API backend improvements
  • Backend memory optimization updates

Other Notes

82 : Annotation Selection
Annotations can be selected by clicking slightly above them.
81 : Signing Interface Text Search
Searching for text in the signing interface will only highlight the first instance of some words.
80 : Free Text Annotations
Free text annotations become read-only if the user clicks inside of the text box.
79 : Mobile Annotation Edit Bar
The Annotation Edit bar, which appears when selecting an annotation, is not present on mobile browsers.

Version - 1.0.9


71 : General Improvements
  • Fixed an issue where external forwarding would generate an error under certain circumstances.
  • Updated the UI logic for external forwarding on the Template Edit page.

Other Notes

75 : Annotation Selection
Annotations can be selected by clicking slightly above them.
74 : Signing Interface Text Search
Free text annotations become read-only if the user clicks inside of the text box.
73 : Free Text Annotations
Free text annotations become read-only if the user clicks inside of the text box.
72 : Mobile Annotation Edit Bar
The Annotation Edit bar, which appears when selecting an annotation, is not present on mobile browsers.

Version - 1.0.8

New Features

62 : Envelope Summary Certificate
New in this TrueSign release is the Envelope Summary Certificate, a single document summarizing the history of a TrueSign envelope in an easy-to read format. Starting in this release, admins can enable this feature on an envelope type to generate a summary certificate when all signers have completed an envelope, or the envelope has been rejected.

What is in the Envelope Summary Certificate?

Each summary certificate contains much of the information available from the Envelope Details page. It includes the basic details about an envelope and the documents within, as well as the history of both. It also contains details on each signer that signed the envelope and lists the individual markups that each signer added to the documents. With this document, you have a downloadable snapshot of everything that was done with the envelope.


Additionally, the Envelope Summary Certificate is digitally certified in the same way as digitally certified documents. This means that if the summary certificate is altered in any way outside of TrueSign (via Adobe or other editor), then the signature is invalidated, and you will see a warning when viewing the document in Adobe. The certificate used to certify the document will never expire and you can always validate the document’s authenticity.

How do I enable this feature in my TrueSign account?

This feature is not enabled for envelope types by default, but you can enable it by going to Admin View -> Envelope Types -> Select An Envelope Type -> Edit -> and toggle Create Envelope Summary Certificate.


How do I download an Envelope Summary Certificate?

The Envelope Summary Certificate is created once the envelope is completed by all signers (or after the envelope is rejected by a signer) and it will be available to be downloaded from the Envelope Details page for that envelope. The following people can download the Envelope Summary Certificate for an envelope: the envelope creator, envelope designers and account Admins.

The Envelope Summary Certificate URL will also be included in the JSON response if a completed envelope is retrieved via the API, or when the completed envelope is delivered via the configured delivery method.

64 : Re-invite User
Truesign Admins will now be able to re-send an invite to a user that has not logged in to TrueSign yet. The Re-Send Invite button will appear in the Last Login column in the Account Users page in the TrueSign Admin View. Once the button is clicked, TrueSign will send another email to the user with next steps to finish their account creation.

63 : Envelope Forwarding
Another new feature in this release is Envelope Forwarding. With this feature, you can now forward an envelope you have received to another person, who can sign it instead. Designers can pick whether an envelope may be forwarded in Envelope Options before sending the envelope. Signers can forward an Envelope by simply clicking More in the top bar of the signing interface and select Forward Envelope from the dropdown.


How do I enable this feature in my TrueSign account?

This feature is not enabled for envelope types by default, but you can enable it by going to Admin View -> Envelope Types -> Select An Envelope Type -> Edit -> and toggle Allow Internal Forwarding and/or Allow External Forwarding.

Note: Allow Internal Forwarding only allows internal signers to forward an envelope to another internal signer. Respectively, Allow External Forwarding only allows an external signer to forward the envelope to another external signer.


66 : Envelope Forwarding
The TrueSign API has been updated to allow envelope forwarding. You may now set the value for Allow_Internal_Forwarding and/or Allow_External_Forwarding to true or false.

Note: We will first check if the envelope type is configured to allow internal or external forwarding. If the envelope type does allow forwarding, then we will respect the posted envelope options.



65 : Other Improvements
We have also resolved the following issue:
  • Annotations placed on rotated PDF pages may appear slightly shifted from where they were placed.

Other Notes

69 : Signing Interface Text Search
Searching for text in the signing interface will only highlight the first instance of some words.
68 : Free Text Annotations
Free text annotations become read-only if the user clicks inside of the text box.
67 : Mobile Annotation Edit Bar
The Annotation Edit bar, which appears when selecting an annotation, is not present on mobile browsers.
70 : Annotation Selection
Annotations can be selected by clicking slightly above them.

Version - 1.0.7


55 : Free Text Improvements
Several changes have been made to improve the stability and usability of free text annotations:

  • The document history entry for new free text annotations will now reflect user-entered text, rather than the default text.
  • Envelopes with free text annotations containing & or < will no longer get stuck in a “processing” state when completed.
  • Free text annotations will no longer clear out their contents if the user clicks inside of the text box.
54 : General Signing Interface Improvements
We are continuing work to improve the newly redesigned signing interface and have corrected the following issues:

  • Annotations added from mobile will now correctly appear in the sidebar.
  • Signatures placed overlapping free text annotations will no longer show up solid black in completed envelope.
  • Signatures/Stamps placed overlapping other Signature/Stamps will no longer disappear in the completed envelope.
  • Annotations placed on rotated PDF pages are no longer stretched and distorted.
56 : Other Improvements
We have also resolved the following other issues:

  • Templates older than 90 days will no longer create envelopes that don’t load.
  • The date in the default envelope title will now reflect the date in the user’s current time zone.

Other Notes

61 : Annotation Selection
Annotations can be selected by clicking slightly above them.
60 : Rotated PDF Pages
Annotations placed on rotated PDF pages may appear slightly shifted from where they were placed.
59 : Signing Interface Text Search
Searching for text in the signing interface will only highlight the first instance of some words.
58 : Free Text Annotations
Free text annotations become read-only if the user clicks inside of the text box.
57 : Mobile Annotation Edit Bar
The Annotation Edit bar, which appears when selecting an annotation, is not present on mobile browsers.

Version - 1.0.6

New Features

51 : Stamp Reordering
We have added a new feature in the Admin View that allows admins to sort the stamps for their account. The user will see the stamp list they have access to based on the order assigned by the admin.

50 : Select any Signature for Anchor Signing
An internal signer is now able to select one of their signatures or a proxy signature to be used as their preferred signature. If the signer is anchor signing, then the chosen signature will be applied. This signature is also selected via the shortcut Ctrl + Left click.

49 : Introducing Subscriptions
We are excited to announce that starting from this release, anyone can sign up for a TrueSign trial account and purchase a subscription using their credit or debit card. Currently we offer a personal and a business package, with the ability to customize the subscription to your personal needs.


53 : Renotify Signer
We have fixed an issue where the Renotify button was not appearing on the Envelope Details page. This button will appear in the envelope details page for the current signer. If clicked, the signer will receive an email with a link to the envelope reminding them that they need to sign the envelope.

52 : TrueSign Designer and Signing Interface Updates
The TrueSign designer and signing interface have been redesigned. This was done to facilitate future enhancements and provide the users with a simpler UI. The TrueSign designer now allows for anchors to be dragged and dropped.

Signing interface toolbar:


The signing interface now also allows a signer to download a copy of the document they are signing. The viewer options also have a new option for stamp ordering.

Designer interface toolbar:


Version - 1.0.5

New Features

47 : Internal Signer Viewer Settings
An internal signer is now able to configure a default Date font size and a default Typewriter font size. The new toolbar item shown below will allow the user to configure these settings.


Once clicked, the following modal will appear for you to select the font sizes:


Valid values for each field are whole numbers from 4 – 40 points.Once you have entered the size you want, click “Save Changes” and the changes will be saved for the current browser. The new font size will take effect immediately and all future Dates and Typewriter annotations will have the new font size.

Note: At this time, these settings are saved in the user’s local storage for the browser TrueSign is opened in. If the user opens TrueSign with a different browser or device, then these settings will go to their default value of 10 points.


48 : Stamp and Signature Editor Font Size
The Stamp and Signature editors have been updated to include a wide range of font sizes, from 2 – 100 points, with an increment of 2.


Version - 1.0.4

New Features

40 : Document Signing Certificates
The TrueSign team is excited to introduce document signing certificates as the newest TrueSign feature. Starting from this release, an admin can choose if they want documents created under a specific envelope type to be digitally certified once they have been completed by all signers.

What is a TrueSign digitally certified document?

A TrueSign digitally certified document is a document that originates from TrueSign once all the signers have signed your original document. The certificate guarantees that this document has originated from TrueSign and that no changes have been made to it afterward. Visual trust indicators will appear when the document is opened in applications like Adobe Reader (as shown below).


If the document is altered in any way outside of TrueSign (via Adobe or other editor), then the signature is invalidated and you will see a warning when viewing the document in Adobe. The certificate used to certify the document will never expire and you can always validate the document’s authenticity.


How do I enable this feature in my TrueSign account?

We will enable this feature automatically for all [default] envelope types, but you can disable it by going to Admin View -> Envelope Types -> Select [default] -> Edit -> and unchecking Digitally Certify Documents. The [default] envelope type is used whenever an envelope is created directly from the TrueSign website (unless the user manually changes the envelope type) or when creating envelopes via This means that after this release, envelopes created directly from the TrueSign website will automatically receive a digital signature unless an admin disables this feature. You can also enable this feature for your other envelope types.


46 : New Template Name
Added the ability to name a new template at the creation moment.

45 : Envelope Search
Updated the search field in the “My Envelopes” page to be more visible.

44 : Create New Button
We added a badge to the “Envelopes to Sign” tab in the home page that will show how many envelopes are waiting for you to complete.

43 : Envelopes to Sign Count
We added a badge to the “Envelopes to Sign” tab in the home page that will show how many envelopes are waiting for you to complete.

42 : Send Contact Info
Added the ability in the envelope designer to send your contact information in the “New Envelope” email that goes out to the signers.

41 : Proxy Signing
We are reverting proxy signing changes made in the March 2021 release. We will no longer restrict proxy signatures to appear only on envelopes of the proxy. A TrueSign user will see all of the proxy signatures they have access to in the signature dropdown, no matter what envelope they are signing.

Version - 1.0.3

New Features

34 : Modify Designers
Designers can be set via the TrueSign API, but now owners of an envelope can add additional designers using the Details page of the envelope. An envelope designer is a TrueSign user with access to design a particular envelope which includes the ability to modify signers, modify documents, view details, recall and delete an envelope.

33 : Envelope Options

  • Show signer list to signers: When enabled, the current signer will see a list of all envelope signers.
  • Send completed envelope to each signer: This option sends a copy of all signed documents to all signers once the envelope has been completed.

32 : Signer Permissions
You do not want to allow a particular signer to be able to add free text to a document while signing? You want to force a wet-looking signature for a particular signer? No problem! Now an envelope designer can remove specific permissions for each signer. When the signer opens the envelope in TrueSign they will not see the features you removed.

31 : Signer Reminders
Make sure your signers are reminded that they have an envelope that needs their signature. The signer reminder feature allows an envelope designer (or via the API) to schedule automatic reminders for a specific signer. A designer will first choose after how many days to wait, from the day the envelope was sent to the signer, before starting to send these reminders. Then the designer can choose the frequency of these reminders: daily or weekly. The interface will display example dates for when the signer will receive their first reminder – based on the designer’s configuration.

30 : TrueSign Templates
TrueSign now offers the ability to pre-design envelopes with pre-defined signers and anchors to serve as Templates. Templates are intended for envelopes that contain documents whose format or content never or rarely changes. It is a way to speed-up envelope creation and submission to the required signers. Templates can be shared across users in the same TrueSign account.


39 : New Envelope Options
When creating a new envelope via the API, you now have the option to send an envelope Options object:


"Title": "string",

"Delivery_Method_Override": 0,

"Contact": {...},

"Options": {

"Send_Completed": true,

"Show_Signers": true


"Client_Data": "string",

"Documents": [...]


The options are explained in the “Envelope Options” under the “New Features” section.


38 : Modified Recall Logic API Updates
The envelope recall option has been updated:
  • Corrected issue of seeing signatures of signers after the envelope was recalled. Now you will see the original documents if the envelope is recalled.
  • TrueSign will no longer increase the envelope count when you resend a recalled envelope, unless the new modified envelope you are resending upgrades to a higher tier (from personal to team or from team to public)
37 : Delete multiple Envelopes from the Envelope Type details page
TrueSign administrators can now select multiple envelopes under the Envelope Type details page and delete them at the same time. This should help an admin clean up after testing with a specific Envelope Type. 
36 : Word and Tiff File Upload
When creating an envelope from the TrueSign website, you now can upload Word or Tiff documents, in addition to PDFs. TrueSign will automatically convert Word and Tiff files to PDF and add them to the envelope. 
35 : General Backend Improvements
This release includes some important back-end improvements, preparing for exciting future enhancements like parallel signing. TrueSign will continue to use the existing URLs; however, if you are using IP-whitelisting to integrate with TrueSign, please be advised that TrueSign IPs will change and you should implement URL whitelisting instead of IP based rules. 

Version - 1.0.2

New Features

27 : Page tours
The TrueSign Designer, Internal, and External viewer now have a “Tour” button. When clicked, TrueSign will take the signer through a tour around the page they are in, informing them on how to use controls on that page.

26 : Guided signing
TrueSign is now able to guide signers through anchors while they are signing a document. External signers will be prompted to start guided signing as soon as they accept the consent message. Internal signers can click the “Guide me” button on top of the anchors section.

28 : Internal user reminder
Internal users can now set up a schedule to be reminded of envelopes waiting in TrueSign for them to sign. To set up the reminder, a user can go to their profile page and under preferences, choose a schedule: daily or weekly reminders. Once the schedule has been saved, the user will receive an email with a list of all envelopes that are waiting for them to sign. If the user has no envelopes, then TrueSign will not send an email.



29 : Alert user on locked PDFs
Some PDFs , depending on where they come from, might be locked (either via a password or a certificate). If these PDFs are uploaded to TrueSign, TrueSign will be unable to allow you to sign them. Therefore, TrueSign now will display a message informing the user in the Designer, Internal, and External viewer that the PDF is locked and cannot be modified using TrueSign. 

Version - 1.0.1

New Features

16 : Email delivery tracking
TrueSign can now identify if email notifications are accepted by the recipients mail server. The envelope history will contain all the email delivery tracking messages. 
20 : PDF form filling
You can now add PDF files that have form fields in a TrueSign envelope and TrueSign will deliver all the user input on the completed envelope. Form fields will be highlighted in the TrueSign Designer and Viewer for ease of finding.

Note: You should not place anchors over form fields as the signer might not be able to get to a form field that an anchor is covering.  

19 : New anchor type: textbox
A new anchor type was added to the TrueSign Designer: textbox. This anchor works the same way as the current anchors, but when the user clicks a textbox anchor type in the TrueSign Viewer, they will be asked to input text on the predefined location.  
18 : Bulk user import
This release allows you to invite multiple internal users to your TrueSign account. You will be able to download a CSV template from TrueSign and provide all the required information needed for the users you are inviting (first and last name, email address). Then you will upload this CSV file to TrueSign and the app will do its checks to ensure that there are no duplicated users and that all the information provided is correct (valid email, no empty columns). A summary will be shown to the user before they decide to complete the import. 
17 : Custom message to signer
A custom message can be added for each signer when sending a new envelope. This feature is available via the TrueSign API and the TrueSign Designer. When you are using the TrueSign Designer and sending the envelope to be signed, a popup will ask you if you want to add a custom message for each signer of the envelope. If you do not add a custom message, the signer will get the standard email we have been delivering so far. Check the API section on this page to undersatand how this will work from the API. 


25 : Custom signer message
A custom message can be included for each signer by populating the Message attribute with a string. A maximum of 250 characters is accepted. The string can be plain text or HTML.


"First_Name": "string",

"Last_Name": "string",

"Email": "",

"Message": "string",

"Code": {

"Description": "string",

"Value": "string"


"Anchors": []


24 : Filterable user list in Designer
The internal signer list in the TrueSign Designer was made filterable for the users to easly find a particular signer.  
23 : Email template updates
Most of the email templates used in TrueSign have been updated. Support language and “do not reply to this email” was added to the new envelope emails. Adjustments were made to invite notifications to address issues when viewing in Outlook. 
22 : General back-end improvements
Some important third-party toolkits were updated to their latest versions to resolve some bugs experienced in TrueSign. 

Version - 1.0.0

New Features

8 : TrueSign release page
A new page has been created in the site where ImageSoft will post all TrueSign releases. You must subscribe to receive an email every time a new release is about to launch. The new release page is located at: 
7 : TrueSign support page
A new TrueSign support page has been published to help external users and organization admins with technical issues. Please note that any questions regarding the documents contained in the envelope will be directed to the organization who created the envelope. The new support page is located at: 
6 : Envelope Type permissions
The Envelope Type object has been modified to support user permissions. You can now decide, as an admin, if you want a specific user to have the ability to create envelopes of that type (from the TrueSign app) and/or if the user can assign proxy signers for envelopes of that type.  
5 : Demo option for Envelope Types
You can now mark an Envelope Type as “Demo”. This will allow you to use the Envelope Type for testing purposes, without tapping into your external envelope counts. Envelopes created under Envelope Types with the “Demo” switch enabled with have a “TrueSign DEMO” watermark applied to each page of the documents in the envelope.

Note: As part of this upgrade, all existing Envelope Types configured in your system will have Demo mode set to false. 

4 : Email to sign (
TrueSign now has the ability to quickly create new envelopes based on emails sent to Any registered user, with “Can Create” privileges on the [default] Envelope Type, can send an email to to create a new envelope (the from email address must match their TrueSign/ImageSoft Identity account email address). The PDF attachments on the email will be automatically added to a new envelope and the email subject will be the envelope’s title. TrueSign will add the sender as a required signer and will automatically send back an email with links to either sign the document(s) or open the Designer to design it for others to sign.  
3 : Multiple envelope signers
This release allows you to create an envelope and add multiple required signers to it. The signers can be a mix between internal and external signers. The TrueSign workflow will deliver the envelope to each signer in series, one after another, starting with the first signer. Once the last signer has completed the envelope, TrueSign will deliver the completed envelope based on the selected delivery method for the envelope type it was created under. If any of the signers rejects the envelope, TrueSign immediately returns the rejected envelope via the envelope type delivery method. 
2 : TrueSign envelope Designer
Regardless of how your envelopes are created (TrueSign, OnBase, SharePoint, et al), you can now design them in the TrueSign application. The TrueSign Designer allows specific users the ability to modify the document list for the envelope by adding new documents or removing existing ones; adding or removing internal/external signers; and the ability to draw anchors (sign here, initial here, date here and check mark here) for each signer on each document. 
1 : Upload and create envelopes from the TrueSign app
Users who have been invited to TrueSign have now the ability to upload documents and create new envelopes right from the TrueSign application interface. No need for an integration application, just click the (+) button on the TrueSign home page. The user will be able to upload PDF documents and either sign the envelope themselves or design it for other signers. The completed envelope will be delivered directly to the user who created it. This process relies on the [default] system envelope type, created at the same time when your account was created. If you wish for a user to not be able to use this feature, please remove the “Can Create” privilege for that user on all Envelope Types created in your system. If you are licensed for external signing and the envelope type has been configured for external signing, the end user will be able to send envelopes to external signers. 


13 : Anchor signing
The TrueSign API has been updated to accept anchor objects in the parent signer object. A signer object now can have an array of anchor objects. An anchor object has the following fields:


“Id”: Guid – system assigned,

“Doc_Id”: Guid – the TrueSign ID of the document the anchor belongs to,

“X”: double – the X (horizontal) location in points *, starting from the top-left corner,

“Y”: double – the Y (vertical) location in points, starting from the top-left corner,

“Width”: double – the of the anchor in points,

“Height”: double – the height of the anchor in points,

“Page”: integer – the page number, with 1 being the first page, where the anchor is located,

“Type”: Enum {SignHere = 0, InitialHere = 1, DateHere = 2, CheckmarkHere = 3} – the anchor type,

“Required”: boolean – if the required signer must complete the anchor or not,

“Client_Data”: string – any data you would like to save for this anchor to use once it arrives back in your system.


*A point (pt), or point size, is a unit of measurement used in lettering. There is a total of approximately 72 (72.272) points in one inch. 

15 : Set envelope creator
With the other changes to the TrueSign interface, you might want to give a particular user full access to an envelope created from your integration system. To do so, you can now call the Set Creator endpoint of the TrueSign API with the email address of a TrueSign user. This user will have the ability to delete, recall and design an envelope. Checkout the Swagger section for this endpoint. 
14 : Set envelope designers
With the introduction of the TrueSign Designer, we have added an endpoint to the TrueSign API that allows you to set a list of emails as the designers for a particular envelope. The email addresses must be of registered TrueSign users in your account. These users will be able to design the envelope in the TrueSign application and send it to the required signers. This is a perfect solution when dealing with complex envelopes from an integrated system (such as OnBase) via the API 1) create the envelope, 2) add documents, 3) add signers, 4) add designers and then let the user/designer open the envelope in the new TrueSign Designer to complete by drawing anchors and sending the envelope. Checkout the Swagger section for this endpoint. 


12 : Admin view updates
Some of the TrueSign admin views have been updated to make the initial loading time faster. You will now notice more collapsible panels that once opened, will retrieve the desired data – instead of querying for everything on page load. 
11 : Envelope details page
Admins and creators of envelopes now have access to an envelope details page. This page gives them details on the documents, history, and signers of the envelope, it also allows them to delete, recall, download files and the JSON content of the envelope itself. 
10 : Signing interface
The TrueSign signing interface (internal & external) has been simplified. The side panel now has: a clear section regarding actions a user can take on an envelope (continue later, complete, reject); a table listing all the anchors a signer is required (or not) to complete; and a table containing other markups the user makes to the active document (stamps, date, other signatures, et al). For each markup added to the document, via an anchor or free form, a location pin is added to the table to help the user locate it later.

The signature creation, while in the signing interface, has also been simplified and improved. With the new “typed” signature option a signer can adopt a signature based off the spelling of their name, allowing a required signer to complete an envelope in seconds. 

9 : Home page updates
The TrueSign home page has been updated with a tabulated panel. The following tabs are available for a registered user:
  • Envelopes to Sign: this table will contain all envelopes that are ready to sign and require the current user’s signature.
  • Proxy Envelopes: this table contains all envelopes that are ready to sign and require another user’s signature, but you are listed as a proxy signer for that user.
  • My Envelopes: this table contains all envelopes that are in a Created or Ready to Sign status and have either been created by you or you are a designer for it. To see the Completed envelopes created by you, toggle the “Show all” switch in this tab.